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Faggiano, F., Galanti, M.R., Bohrn K, Burkhart, G., Vigna-Taglianti, F., Cuomo, L., Fabiani, L., Panella, M., Perez, T., Siliquini, R., van der Kreeft, P., Vassara, M., Wiborg, G., EU-Dap Study Group (2008). The effectiveness of a school-based substance abuse prevention program: EU-Dap Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. Prev Med, 47, 537-43.
Faggiano, F., Richardson, C. Bohrn, K., Galanti, M.R., EU-Dap Study Group (2007). A cluster randomized controlled trial of school-based prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug use: The EU-Dap design and study population. Preventive Medicine, 44, 170-173.